Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009

Guide for Bloodseeker


Intermediate -

Bloodseeker - Early game for him is levelling up to 6 and then running around the map using Rupture, which is about as easy as it gets. Blood is great for staying in a lane, but requires decent last hit timing. He must have decent items to remain viable later.

Agreed! Don’t forget his spells need practice if you don’t want them backfiring.


Weak -

Bloodseeker - Rupture is nearly useless in team battles, since an enemy can just hold position and cast spells/attack from there. Either that, or buy a Diffusal Blade of GG.

A harsh but somewhat true statement. Getting Diffusal Blade means one slot wasted and an Orb Effect wasted just to counter Bloodseeker. Purge doesn’t even remove Rupture.

Should I Play Bloodseeker?

Of course! If you…

  • …are very good at denying and last hitting
  • …have decent knowledge of every hero in DotA
  • …are a team player
  • …read this guide!

However, if you ……. consider using an easier hero, like Skeleton King

  • …are not familiar with most heroes in DotA
  • …are not quite up to scratch with your last hitting and denying skills
  • …are new to DotA

Starting Stats (without item bonuses)

Strength - 18 + 2.0 — Health - 492
Agility - 24 + 2.6 — Armor - 5.4 (24%)
Intelligence - 18 + 1.7 — Mana - 234
Mana Regen — 0.73
Health Regen — 0.79
Movespeed — 305
Damage — 53-59
Attack Speed — 1 attack every 1.37 seconds
Sight Range: 1800 Day/800 Night
Spell Animation — Bloodseeker has a casting time of 0.6 and a cast backswing of 1.4.
Attack Animation — Bloodseeker has damage point of 0.43 and a backswing of 0.74.

Ending Stats (without item bonuses)

Strength - 66.0 + 20 — Health - 1784
Agility - 86.4 + 20 — Armor - 12 + 2.8 (47%)
Intelligence - 58.8 + 20— Mana — 1014
Mana Regen — 2.63
Health Regen — 2.23
Movespeed — 305
Damage — 115 - 121 + 20
Attack Speed — 1 attack every 0.91 seconds

Stats Overview

With the above information, we come to the conclusion that Bloodseeker’s base stats are very high. This helps in a lot of ways. Out of all the heroes, Bloodseeker comes 4th with the highest base stats (Twin Headed Dragon is 1st, Spectre 2nd, and Lord of Avernus tied 2nd with Spectre. However, Bloodseeker’s stat gain is only above average, he earns 6.3 stat points per level. (not counting the extra Stats ’spell’ you can get)
This is stated in Reset’s Guide to Hero Stats.

  • Versatile hero.
  • Great ganking hero, if not the best.
  • Slips in and out of battle if Strygwyr’s Thirst is on.
  • Has ferocious damage with Bloodrage on.
  • A hero that can stay in its lane for prolonged periods.


  • Low hp.
  • Spells can backfire if not used properly and without thought.
  • No real escape mechanism.
  • Spells require precise timing.
  • Has de-synergies with Rupture and allies that stop/slow enemies.

Authors Notes are in


Useful Facts are in


IPB Image - Bloodrage (Active)
Drives a unit into a bloodthirsty rage. That unit is unable to cast spells, has its attack damage increased, and loses a small amount of hit points every second. 600 range at all levels.

Level 1 - 20% damage increase, loses 2 HP per second. Lasts 6 seconds. Cooldown of 20 seconds. 80 mana cost.
Level 2 - 40% damage increase, loses 4 HP per second. Lasts 9 seconds. Cooldown of 20 seconds. 100 mana cost.
Level 3 - 60% damage increase, loses 6 HP per second. Lasts 12 seconds. Cooldown of 20 seconds. 120 mana cost.
Level 4 - 80% damage increase, loses 8 HP per second. Lasts 15 seconds. Cooldown of 20 seconds. 140 mana cost.

This is what spellcasters fear about Bloodseeker, and what tanks fear about him too. This is a spell that will be used to silence enemy heroes, or to make your damage IMBA. Cast it on enemy spellcasters to silence them while you hack into them, or to make you a massively high damage hero to take down those really tough opponents. You should use this spell on any spell-reliant hero, like Pudge or Lina, and even AM early game.
Bloodrage priorities should be:

  • Hero with the most damaging spell combo, such as Lina or CM
  • During the Channelling spell of heroes like Sand-King or Bane
  • Heroes that rely on spells, like Pudge
  • Heroes that are weak, but have an escape mechanism, like a low health Anti-Mage or Bounty Hunter, silence them to stop them from escaping
  • Yourself or an ally that wishes to be Bloodraged

Also, don’t use this as your initial spell to start off a fight, as you need your other spell to effectively kill enemies. The typical spell combo is Rupture > Bloodrage > Thirst triggers > Chase.
You can use this on allies too, just make sure to tell them if you’re going to do it in case they want to use their spells. This spell can be a great help to a Razor or any high speed/high damage hero. You must know when and how to use this spell to prevent yourself from getting killed due to a backfire.

  • Using this on Stealth Assassin reveals him.
  • Bloodrage is based off the Firelord’s ladder spell, Soul Burn.
  • Bloodrage only increases Base + Agility damage not pure damage items like MKB/Buriza.
  • The damage is negligible. Don’t assume this spell can kill someone, at level 4 it only does 120 damage over time total.
  • Bloodrage doesn’t silence enemy spells from items, so you can’t use this to stop an enemy from using Dagon for example.

IPB Image - Blood Bath (Passive)
Whenever Strygwyr kills a unit, he bathes himself in the blood, regenerating his life source.

Level 1 - 10% of the Hero’s max hp. 5% for creeps.
Level 2 - 20% of the Hero’s max hp. 10% for creeps.
Level 3 - 30% of the Hero’s max hp. 15% for creeps.
Level 4 - 40% of the Hero’s max hp. 20% for creeps.

This is a signature skill for Strygwyr. Simple, elegant, and very useful. The higher hp the hero or creep is the more health you get once you kill it. You ONLY get the health if YOU deliver the killing blow. You even get the blood from denied creeps and heroes, units killed by items, and also images, but only 20%. (yes, images. Eat your heart out, Phantom Lancer)
This is a very powerful spell early game, this also makes trips to fountain less frequent, effectively you get a slight level bonus since you are out farming more than healing at the fountain.
This passive spell basically grants you more regeneration than any opponent in the game early. What does this mean? You can harass when this spell is at higher levels and out-regenerate your enemy that’s in your lane. This spell also gives you somewhat harassing immunity, since you gain health back so fast if your enemy allows you to get at least 2 creep kills per creep wave.
Your images also gain Blood Bath, meaning they don’t go down as fast as long as they kill some creeps.

IPB Image - Strygwyr’s Thirst (Passive)
Enables Strygwyr to sense the bleeding of any enemy hero below 40% hp. If it finds one, Strygwyr gains vision of that unit and increases move speed.

Level 1 - 11% movement increase. Small AoE, 1500 Range.
Level 2 - 22% movement increase. Medium AoE, 3000 Range.
Level 3 - 33% movement increase. Large AoE, 4500 Range.
Level 4 - 44% movement increase. Huge AoE, 6000 Range.

Alright, another very useful spell, your free map “control” (can’t say m-a-p-h-a-c-k cuz stupid DA doesn’t “support it”). Makes Bloodseeker one of the best chasers (if he’s not already). This spell when active, gives max movespeed with Boots of Travel.
Ok, this has many, many useful features. For one, stealth heroes below half hp will be ’seen’ (refer to Advanced Strategy Section). Another is that if multiple heroes are below 40% hp, you will gain sight of them all. However, when there is no enemy heroes below half hp you don’t get any buffs.
As long as you stay in range of the enemy hero if this triggers, you will keep the bonuses, however, if the hero regenerates/gains health in any way to a point above half hp, you lose the bonuses.
If this spell triggers, health changes to the heroes you gain vision of WILL affect the bonuses you get. Example, a low hp Omniknight is around and Strygwyr’s Thirst activates. You gain the sight of Omniknight as you would, then he heals himself. He is above 40% hp so you lose vision and your movespeed bonus.
This spell still triggers even if you’re Bloodraged, so you can Rupture the enemy, immediately Bloodrage then chase!

  • With Boots of Travel and Thirst active, it would take Bloodseeker approximately 11.49 seconds to reach any given point on the periphery of his 6000 aoe. Calculated using (Distance/speed) = time, assuming that you move approximately in a straight line
  • Strygwyr’s Thirst is based off the Shaman’s ladder spell, Bloodlust
  • If you have Thirst triggered, and an Ogre Magi casts Bloodlust on you, you will see the animation of Bloodlust being casted on you multiple times.
IPB Image - Rupture (Active)
Deals a mighty blow to the enemy causing any movement to result in bleeding and loss of life. 1000 cast range.

Level 1 - 150 damage, 20% of distance moved in damage. Lasts 5 seconds. 100 second cooldown. 150 mana.
Level 2 - 250 damage, 40% of distance moved in damage. Lasts 7 seconds. 100 second cooldown. 200 mana.
Level 3 - 350 damage, 60% of distance moved in damage. Lasts 9 seconds. 100 second cooldown. 250 mana.

This is what makes Bloodseeker so cool. This is what pubs go crazy over when they don’t know what’s happening. Simply put, this spell deals initial damage, and if your target moves they receive damage on how much they move. I will show you how to use this skill to perfection later in the guide.
Obviously this spell is used to prevent your prey from escaping. They can choose to fight and succumb to your superior damage or run and be killed by Rupture.
The casting range is 1000, use it wisely. You can ninja kill with Rupture if an enemy hero is farming with relatively low hp. Rupture him, and if that didn’t kill him, Thirst and proceed with the kill.
The damage type of this spell is Magical, meaning it will go through armour.
This spell can be used defensively and to single out targets (much like Bane Elemental’s Nightmare spell). Example. You see a Clinkz pop out of nowhere and starting to pummel you with arrows, Rupture him then run away. He can choose to chase you but to a certain point you can then Thirst and chase him down. Either that or he chooses to do the smart thing and stay put, unable to kill you.
The faster the enemy runs, the more damage they get. So, you see an enemy with a Haste powerup, you Rupture and he continues running. This is immense damage to the hero you Ruptured.
On a technical note, Rupture does damage every quarter of a second. There is a cap to the damage (200 per quarter of a second), so that teleporting doesn’t instantly kill the teleporter if he/she is Ruptured, but if the enemy hero Blinks or is Nether Swapped within the max damage, they will take the normal Rupture movement damage.

  • Purge does not remove Rupture since it is triggered and not a buff/debuff. The buff/debuff is from an aura that is on a dummy unit which is spawned when Rupture is cast. It gets a bit strange when you cast it on creeps btw. This is because of how the dummy unit works with the aura. If you cast it on a neutral creep, the aura can’t be seen in the status bar. If you cast it on a creep controlled by a player or image, the hero appears to have been Ruptured, but isn’t
  • If you Rupture a hero with Linkins Sphere, they still get the buff (Rupture), does the initial damage and will trigger Linkin’s cooldown
  • If you Rupture an enemy and the hero you Ruptured gains magical immunity, he will not get the movement damage, but you will still see the animation.
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